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Contactless delivery to the costumer

In response to recent global developments related to the coronavirus, we will now offer contactless delivery for all online paid orders.

Step 1

First, check the customer’s payment method. If the customer is paying with cash, you can deliver their order as you normally would. If the customer has paid online, follow these steps:

Step 2

When you arrive at the customer’s house, place your delivery bag next to their door.

Step 3

Unzip the bag and make it as easy as possible for the customer to retrieve their order out of your delivery bag.

Step 4

Next, ring the customer’s doorbell or knock on their door.

Step 5

Right after you ring the doorbell or knock, walk at least 2 metres away from the door.

Step 6

When the customer opens the door, give them a friendly greeting.

Step 7

Ask the customer to retrieve their order from your delivery bag, and wait until they close the door. Make sure to show the customer the correct bag, in case you have more than one order in your bag.

Step 8

Once they close the door, you can retrieve your delivery bag and continue your shift!

Updated on March 23, 2020

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