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Contactless delivery office / hospital

Instructions for food delivery at an office location or hospital.

If you need to deliver to a hospital, always deliver the order with reception on the ground floor.

Step 1

Enter the office building.

Step 2

Unzip your delivery backpack and place the order in the agreed upon, designated location. This can be a desk, rack or table

Step 3

Communicate to the customer that the order has been delivered. Depending on your country, you need to 1) tap “delivered” in the Scoober app, or 2) call the customer and tell them their order has been delivered and click “delivered” in the Scoober app.

Step 4

The customer receives a message that the order has been delivered and that (s)he can pick up the order.

Step 5

Zip your delivery backpack and leave the building.

Step 6

The customer will pick the order up at a later moment in time.

Updated on March 25, 2020

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