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Contactless pick-up at the restaurants

Instructions for food delivery when picking up the order at a restaurant.

Step 1

Enter and greet the restaurant staff as usual. If the restaurant doesn’t allow you to enter, wait outside and follow the same procedure without entering the building.

Step 2

Mention which order you need to pick up. Make sure to check whether you need to pick up one or multiple orders.

Step 3

Ask the restaurant staff to place the order(s) on the counter (or table, desk, rack, window).

Step 4

Ask the restaurant staff to step at least 2 metres away from the counter.

Step 5

Once the restaurant staff has stepped away from the counter, you can approach the counter.

Step 6

Pick up the order and place it inside your delivery backpack. Make sure to check whether you need to pick up one or multiple orders.

Step 7

After you have picked up the order, make sure you click on “fetched” in the Scoober app.

Step 8

Thank the restaurant, leave the restaurant and deliver the order.

Updated on March 23, 2020

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